Prime Spin Slots


Prime Spin Slots : Community rules

We want all members of the Prime Spin Slots community to play and communicate with friends in a calm and friendly environment. And we need your help.

These Community Rules apply to all users of Prime Spin Slots games, services, and other products. These rules explain how to communicate with other members of the Prime Spin Slots community. Below are some examples of specific situations, but this does not mean that the rules apply only to them.

Following the rules is easy. But if they are not followed, we will take action — up to a lifetime ban.

Community Rules:

  • Personal Information: It is prohibited to disclose the personal data of other users, except for the displayed name, and we strongly recommend keeping your personal information secret.
  • Intolerance and Discrimination: Prime Spin Slots considers any manifestations of hatred or discrimination unacceptable.
  • Bullying and Offensive Behavior: Respect other users when communicating and playing.
  • Impersonation: Do not impersonate other players, streamers, celebrities, Prime Spin Slots employees, or anyone else.
  • Fraud and Mockery: Play fairly and by the rules. Do not cheat, interfere with others, conspire, or try to win at the expense of developer errors.
  • Dangerous or Illegal Activities: Do not engage in illegal or dangerous activities.
  • Inappropriate Content: Content, communication, and activities within the Prime Spin Slots ecosystem should evoke positive emotions in users.
  • Consequences: We consider each case of rule violation individually.
  • Reporting Players: If you encounter a player who violates the Community Rules or Content Requirements, you can report them in the game.
  • Safety: Take care of the security of your personal data.

This is not the final version of the Prime Spin Slots Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!


Explore the world of social gaming on our site, where everything is based on game credits. You cannot win real money here, but you can enjoy the process. Our website is intended only for persons over 18 years of age. Success in our games is not a harbinger of success in real money gambling.